Tuesday, December 11, 2012


    Lena: The main character of this book is Lena Haloway. Lena has gone through a complete change in character from the last book "Delirium." Until now, she has been a shy, obedient  and average girl. But now she is a warrior who strives for survival in the Wilds. Her ultimate goal is to fight for her life, and fight 'til the death. Lena has turned into the type of girl whose heart has turned cold, because she has nobody to rely on anymore....because nothing and nobody is around forever.  Lena is a fighter who pushes all the way through until the end. She will not give up, and she will not give excuses. Overall, Lena has been through so much that she cannot afford to rely on disappearing things, so she must fight for herself.  

    Julian:  Julian is the founder of the DFA and a strong opposer of love. When Julian and Lena get kidnapped together, their lives change. After a few conversations with Lena, Julian finally realizes that there is more to life than rules. This leads him to a complete character change in the book. Ever since, Julian has been a gentleman, a caring, loving, and respectful young mam. From then on, Julian cares about other peoples feelings, and especially Lena's feelings.

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