Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I believe that a major theme in this book is survival. This comes up many different times in this book. For example, when Lena is trying to think of how to escape the jail cell, the only thing she is thinking about is survival. She is mainly concerned about how to survive, and how to escape death. Another example of survival in the book Pandemonium, is when Lena is migrating south with the rest of her friends. Her main goal is to have enough energy to barely make it to safety, and then be able to survive. All in all, Lena tries very hard to give life her very best, and she is a very determined person. So, when she has her mind set on survival, you know she won't give up. 


Exposition: The exposition of the book Pandemonium is at the beginning of the book. Since this is the second book of the trilogy, the book starts off exactly where the first book left off.   In Pandemonium, Lena is torn between a past she can't forget, Alex, the love she left behind, and the promise of a new future.  The chapters alternate between,then,Lena's struggle to survive after her harrowing escape into the Wilds, and now, her present mission as an undercover spy for the resistance movement. This is also known as self to self conflict AND self to world conflict

Rising Action: In this book, the rising action includes Lena's mission in
the Wilds. She is assigned to be a spy that sits in on DFA meetings to see what they are planning. In one particular meeting, when Lena and Julian both get kidnapped, she starts experiencing mixed emotions for Julian. She doesn't want to replace Alex-her former love-but she also wants to push away the thoughts of him and move on. So, in the rising action, Lena has a hard time figuring out what/who to choose, so she is experiencing an internal conflict.

Climax:  The climax of this book is when Julian and Lena break out of captivity. After being locked up in a jail cell together for about a week, Lena finally realized that she knew how to break out. Although it took some time to realize that she had to kill almost all the guards, she finally had the courage to do so. When she did break out...she finally felt as if she was free. But, of course, she was wrong. Lena and Julian went through many obstacles as a team, and they finally reached the real world where the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and everything was normal. All of these obstacles they faced were self to world conflict because they dealt with nature most of the time. Therefore, this was an external conflict.

Resolution: In this book, the conflict is never completely resolved. Therefore, there is no resolution. Still, there is a lot of suspense and foreshadowing at the end of the book. This is mainly because this book is the second of a trilogy, so it is expected to be a cliff hanger.

At the end of the book, the author leaves the reader in a very suspenseful mood. The last few paragraphs change the books expected direction and takes the book to a whole new level. This makes the reader very hooked on the book, and makes them await the last book in the trilogy.
Overall, even though there is no "official" resolution to this book, there is a lot of suspense and foreshadowing at the end of this book.


    Lena: The main character of this book is Lena Haloway. Lena has gone through a complete change in character from the last book "Delirium." Until now, she has been a shy, obedient  and average girl. But now she is a warrior who strives for survival in the Wilds. Her ultimate goal is to fight for her life, and fight 'til the death. Lena has turned into the type of girl whose heart has turned cold, because she has nobody to rely on anymore....because nothing and nobody is around forever.  Lena is a fighter who pushes all the way through until the end. She will not give up, and she will not give excuses. Overall, Lena has been through so much that she cannot afford to rely on disappearing things, so she must fight for herself.  

    Julian:  Julian is the founder of the DFA and a strong opposer of love. When Julian and Lena get kidnapped together, their lives change. After a few conversations with Lena, Julian finally realizes that there is more to life than rules. This leads him to a complete character change in the book. Ever since, Julian has been a gentleman, a caring, loving, and respectful young mam. From then on, Julian cares about other peoples feelings, and especially Lena's feelings.